Formula ======= Add new features to your dataset. **Inputs** - Data: input dataset **Outputs** - Data: dataset with additional features **Formula** allows computing new columns by combining the existing ones with a user-defined expression. The resulting column can be categorical, numerical or textual. For numeric variables, it sufices to provide a name and an expression. ![](images/feature-constructor1-stamped.png) 1. List of constructed variables 2. Add or remove variables 3. New feature name 4. Expression in Python 5. Select a feature 6. Select a function 7. Produce a report 8. Press *Send* to communicate changes The following example shows construction of a categorical variable: its value is "lower" is "sepal length" is below 6, "mid" if it is at least 6 but below 7, and "higher" otherwise. Note that spaces need to be replaced by underscores (`sepal_length`). ![](images/feature-constructor2-stamped.png) 1. List of variable definitions 2. Add or remove variables 3. New feature name 4. Expression in Python 5. If checked, the feature is put among meta attributes 6. Select a feature to use in expression 7. Select a function to use in expression 8. Optional list of values, used to define their order 9. Press *Send* to compute and output data Hints ----- If you are unfamiliar with Python math language, here's a quick introduction. Expressions can use the following operators: - `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division - `//`: integer division - `%`: remainder after integer division - `**`: exponentiation (for square root square by 0.5) - `<`, `>`, `<=`, `>=` less than, greater than, less or equal, greater or equal - `==` equal - `!=` not equal - if-else: *value* `if` *condition* else *other-value* (see the above example See more [here](